
How to use Custom Cursor for Windows 10

Q: How to use Custom Cursor for Windows 10 app?

  • Custom Cursor home menu

    On the home screen of the app you can find many useful buttons that will help you using Custom Cursor for Windows 10 app, as you can see on a screenshot.

    Here you can find:

    1. Custom Cursor logo - this button leads to our website in case you want to check for updates or browse our cute and colorful cursor collection.
    2. Home - this button lets you return to home/cursor selection page at any time.
    3. More Cursors - is a link to Custom Cursor website to download new cursors for you to play with.
    4. Upload Cursors - is a link to page where you can upload your .cur files you use with the Custom Cursor for Windows app.
    5. How to Use - link to Custom Cursor website, to this How to Use section.
    6. or Settings button - opens Custom Cursor app Settings page where you can change language, cursor size and make other customizations to the app including cursor size.
    7. or Default Cursor - this button lets you return to Windows Default cursor settings.
    8. or Exit - closes the main window of the Custom Cursor for Windows 10 application.
  • Setting the cursor

    On the home screen of the Custom Cursor for Windows 10 app, scroll down and choose a cursor pack that you like and press the “Apply” button to make it the active cursor.

  • Changing the size

    To change the size of your cursor you need to open Custom Cursor for Windows 10 app window. In the upper menu press the Settings button. On the settings page use the size slider to choose the cursor size you like and press “Apply”.

  • Default Cursor

    To return to default cursor at any moment open Custom Cursor for Windows 10 app window and press “Default cursor” button. Alternatively, you can open your Windows Mouse setting and select any other system cursor that you like. Custom Cursor will not be active until you hit the Apply on another cursor again.
