
Курсор L.O.L. Surprise! Queen Bee and Glitter Cup

Queen Bee is a rare LOL doll from Series 1, the first cartoon about Mystery Capsules, who is known as a member of the Glitterati club. This adorable character has brown skin, dark brown eyes, and gold afro hair with a shimmering effect. Queen Bee wears a shiny black-golden striped dress and tiny black boots. She also has a cute, light brown pet named Pup Bee, who also has a glittering golden hair. A fanart L.O.L. Surprise! cursor with amazing Queen Bee and her Glitter Cup is a delightful detail, that can bring sweetness and shiness to your screen.

L.O.L. Surprise! Queen Bee and Glitter Cup курсор
L.O.L. Surprise! Queen Bee and Cup Gold Brown Pointer

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